FU Takeover

Welcome to Franklin Underground.

A New York based Bodyboarding Crew. It's not just any crew, it's a family with a lot of passion towards the sport of Bodyboarding...

Franklin Underground started in the early 80's. One huge family of bodyboarders that grew up in a huge surfing community of Long Beach, NY and other parts of Long Island. We got our name because of the beach we surfed was Franklin Blvd in LB & the underground came from the chill spot we ended up making underneath the old long beach boardwalk, prior to Hurricane Sandy. Guess you can also say 'underground' because thats what we are... all bodyboarders at heart and not surfers! Thru the coarse of the years going by, we have become so close that now its considered family and even tho we all are older/working a lot more(being adults) we all still find the time to reach out to one another and coordinate swells, trips and photos. We love the sport & what it has done in our lives, the amazing people we've meet in the water and sand are incomparable which is something we cherish very much. There are so many people that are involved that it would be way to hard to name them all ...

What Franklin Underground means to us is the love, the chase of the next swell, meeting new boog'ers and just being a part of the huge bodyboarding family. And even tho, still to this day, we get the stank eyes from stand ups - we come take shit over, represent and leave ... If you don't like it then FU!

Itslando, franklinunderground, FU

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